
Información del Proyecto

Through Facebook we were contacted by this client from Los Angeles, California asking for help in creating a page that would allow him to offer his work in the area where he works.

Información Suministrada

Planeación & Propuesta

We suggested the creation of a service web page where clients could not only find his information but also schedule, contact, view and rate the service in a fluid way.

Servicios Contratados

Que nuestro trabajo hable por nosotros

We took advantage of the fact that the client provided us with their logo recently made by another company to develop our customization of the tool based on design and colors.
Dispositivo de demostracion
It is suggested to link within the strategy the development and linking of social networks in the strategy, but for decision will be left for a second stage.

Galeria de Proyectos

Calificación del Servicio


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